The tales and turbulences of a shrinking violet!

Day One: The ‘I Will’
March 15, 2010, 2:58 pm
Filed under: Health and Fitness | Tags:

As I sit here munching on grapes and trying to keep myself in the mood to hit the gym tonight, I thought what better way to spur myself on that blogging about it! With Summer around the corner (hopefully), I guess this is the time that everyone tries to lose weight. With the need for a new bunch of clothes for the Summer, I want to have lost enough that I look good in most things. Now lets not get this wrong, I am by no means fat.  A current size 10-12 (UK style!), I want to be a small 10. I have those wobbly bits that need to be got rid of. My one time skinny thighs now resemble a more wobbly format, my one time washboard stomach has a couple of layers and overall I am just not a happy bunny when I look in the mirror. I can’t bare the thought of going clothes shopping and seeing myself from all those angles in the changing rooms. They are THE worst thing! And then there’s the clothes. You know when you see them on the rail, or on the model and they look bloody fab but when you put them on you just cannot do them the same justice?!


Isn’t it so much harder when you only have a little bit to lose. I have known so many overweight people who have started dieting and it’s literally just dropped off them (my Sister just lost a stone!) but when you get to a certain point it gets harder and harder to shift. I know with the determination and motivation I can get to where I want to be. I just need to crack on and do it. So I WILL be going to the gym tonight. And tomorrow. And so forth. I WILL be watching what I eat more carefully. It’s not easy when a colleague comes in with biccies or cakes but I WILL limit myself to what treats I give myself and try to eat overall more healthily.

Won’t it be worth it when the sun is shining and I can get away with wearing pretty much anything?

You bet it will!!

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